It was a beautiful summer day filled with fun people and adorable kiddos, and really, what more could you ask for?

It was a beautiful summer day filled with fun people and adorable kiddos, and really, what more could you ask for?
I'm giving you fair warning that this post is a long one. I've been friends with Kim and Al for over ten years, all the way back to high school dinner theater. They moved up north a few years ago for a job, which is both terrible (since I only see them a few times a year) and pretty okay (since they let me come and stay with them for the best long weekends). Two became three last year with the birth of their son Elijah, who is the happiest little stinker I've ever had the joy of chasing around. I'm already looking forward to hanging out with this bunch again.
Man oh man, this shoot could not have been any more fun. This sweet baby girl cracked herself up throughout the morning (which comes as no surprise considering how hilarious both her parents are). Vera's formidable baby strength also means that it can take three adults to clip in a single barrette, which is impressive for someone only six months old. Jared and Shari are amazing parents, and I am seriously smitten with the whole bunch.
It's time for a #TBT up on the blog! These photographs are from a few months back when this little sweetheart turned six months old. It's so fun to watch her personality develop and skills improve (guess who can sit up without any help now?!). I have a sneaking suspicion that she'll be all grown up before we know it, but at least we have enduring proof of those delightfully chubby thighs.