I've stopped and started this post so many times, and I'm not sure that I can accurately describe just what it meant for me to travel to Hong Kong one year ago with my best friend Krystle. In 2007, I toured southeast China with a small group of Calvin College students and our beloved professor Larry, and our final destination was Hong Kong. 36-ish hours is not enough time to do this special administrative region justice, and I knew I wanted to visit again someday. My opportunity came ten years later—the same year I turned 30—and my return to Hong Kong was every bit as lovely and wonderful as I had hoped. On Thanksgiving, let it be known that I am infinitely grateful for this great big world and getting the chance to see a tiny little sliver of it.
True to form, I took too many photos to condense into a single post, so I’m breaking things up. I’m starting with our first days of travel (let it be known that flying from Chicago to Hong Kong is no joke—15+ hours is a long time to spend on a plane—but having only one flight to tackle was truly a gift). Our trip focused on exploring different neighborhoods, and we started by tracking down the flower district, the Yuen Po bird markets, and the goldfish district (yes, that’s totally a thing). My favorite quality of Hong Kong is all the color: the weathered pastel buildings, the bright neon signs, the tropical vegetation. These images are my love letter to a place that’s very dear to my heart; I hope you enjoy them as much as I do.
You can check out Part II, Part III, Part IV, and Part V here.